Peer-Reviewed Primer
Key Challenges for California's Energy Future
In 2022, CCST staff consulted with policymakers and more than 30 experts across California’s preeminent academic and research institutions to identify energy issues that needed additional attention given policy conversations and their importance to California’s clean energy future. This process identified eight high-level key challenges, which are explored across the eight sections of this document.
The sections highlight major challenges and opportunities, environmental justice and equity considerations, and resources for more information. In the future, other topics could be added to this list of eight as needs and relevance arise. Neither the set of topics chosen for sections nor the sections themselves are comprehensive, but are aimed at succinctly summarizing the status, challenges, and potential solutions.
Project Team
Rhianna Hohbein, PhD
Lead Author
CCSTMiriam Aczel, PhD
UC Berkeley
Steering Committee
Jane Long, PhD
Steering Committee Chair
Independent Consultant & CCST Distinguished ExpertMichael Mastrandrea, PhD
Stanford University
Louise Bedsworth, PhD
UC Berkeley
Colin Murphy, PhD
UC Davis
Arun Raju, PhD
UC Riverside