CCC Maker Symposium Proceedings

Author(s): Guy, Ann Brody

Release Date: November 1, 2017 | Last Updated Date: November 17, 2017

In 2016, CCST published a report at the request of the California Community College Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) to inform efforts to develop a statewide network of makerspaces linked to California Community Colleges. In June 2017, CCST followed this with the InnovationMaker3 Symposium Series to bring together stakeholders to begin building the CCCCO network.

On August 18 2017, the CCC and CCST hosted a Maker Kickoff Symposium at UC Berkeley. The goals of the symposium were:


  • Provide opportunity for CCC Maker network members to interact face-to-face (for the first time since being awarded next-phase funding)
  • Highlight current and ongoing research and best practices regarding student learning in makerspaces in higher ed
  • Present next steps/information about CCC Maker Initiative


This paper includes proceedings, interviews, and photos from the symposium.