Introducing the 2025 CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellows
February 12, 2017 | CCST S&T Policy Fellows, Events
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) will host its 2017 Annual Meeting in Boston this coming weekend, February 16th through 20th. The conference theme this year is a fitting one for CCST — “Serving Society Through Science Policy” — and CCST staff, CCST Science Fellows, and Science Fellows alumni will be participating.
Join us at the CCST exhibit booth from Friday through Sunday in the AAAS Exhibit Hall, and get to know our CCST mission, projects, and programs. Come learn how CCST works with the California state government to help make policies stronger and informed with science — and hear firsthand accounts of the CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellowship experience from CCST Science Fellows alumni themselves.
Then, join us on Saturday for the session “Pathways for Scientist Participation in Policymaking” — organized by Angee Doeer ’15 and Scott Sellars ’15. We will discuss the CCST perspective on how scientists can play a part in the public policy process — whether through engaging the policymaking process, or taking steps towards a policy career.
We look forward to meeting scientists, science communicators, and science policy specialists from around the world as they converge in Boston. Take a picture and tweet at us during #AAASmtg by mentioning @CCSTorg or @CCSTFellows — and share our message of making public policy #StrongerWithScience. See you all in Boston!
Pathways for Scientist Participation in Policymaking
Saturday, February 18, 2017: 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Room 207, Hynes Convention Center
For scientists outside the policy realm, the policymaking process can seem like a black box. This workshop, consisting of short talks and questions/answers with attendees, will crack open the black box and provide insight into policymaking and the ways scientists at various career stages can engage with it. Participants will learn how policy is made, with a focus on legislative and agency contexts. A panel of scientists from different disciplines and career pathways will share their experiences within the policy realm, from providing expert testimony and translating science for general audiences to directly contributing to policy development. Participants will gain a greater appreciation of the policy world and the diverse ways to interact in it.
Coordinated by:
Scott Sellars PhD, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (CCST Science Fellow ’15)
Angee Doerr PhD, Center for Ocean Solutions (CCST Science Fellow ’15)
Esha Mathew PhD, California State Assembly (CCST Science Fellow ’16)
Dan Brumbaugh PhD, The Nature Conservancy (CCST Science Fellow ’16)
Amber Mace PhD, CCST Deputy Director
Nathan Phillips PhD, Boston University (CCST Science Fellow ’14)
California Council on Science & Technology Exhibit Booth
Friday, February 17, 2017: 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, February 18, 2017: 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, February 19, 2017: 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Exhibit Hall C, Hynes Convention Center, Booth 801
Come meet CCST staff and CCST Science Fellows alumni, and learn about the mission of the California Council on Science and Technology. Prospective applicants, this is a great chance to speak with CCST Science Fellows alumni about their fellowship experience, ahead of our February 28th deadline to apply for the 2018 fellowship class.
Coordinated by:
Amber Mace PhD, CCST Deputy Director
Annie Morgan, CCST Science Fellows Program Manager
Sarah Brady, PhD, CCST Senior Program Associate (CCST Science Fellow ’14)
Shannon Muir, PhD, CCST Senior Program Associate (CCST Science Fellow ’15)
Doug Brown, CCST Science Fellows Program Advisor
Erin Arms, PhD, AAAS S&T Policy Fellow (CCST Science Fellow ’16)
Angee Doerr PhD, Center for Ocean Solutions (CCST Science Fellow ’15)
Brandon Gaytán, PhD, California State Assembly (CCST Science Fellow ’14)
Julianne McCall, PhD, California State Senate Office of Research (CCST Science Fellow ’17)
Bish Paul, PhD, California State Assembly Committee on Elections and Redistricting (CCST Science Fellow ’17)
Nathan Phillips PhD, Boston University (CCST Science Fellow ’14)
Scott Sellars PhD, Scripps Institution of Oceanography (CCST Science Fellow ’15)
Estevan Santana, PhD, AAAS S&T Policy Fellow (CCST Science Fellow ’15)
The CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellowship trains scientific thinkers to be policy-savvy, while helping equip California’s lawmakers with science-savvy staff. Follow updates from the CCST Science Fellows on Facebook at and on Twitter @CCSTFellows. Explore the CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellowship here.
Find the California Council on Science and Technology on Facebook at, on Twitter @CCSTorg, and on LinkedIn. Learn more about CCST at