Capitol Happenings: Outreach to D.C.

November 15, 2010 |   | Contact: M. Daniel DeCillis

During the summer, CCST, in consultation with its Federal Laboratory Affiliates, conducted a round of outreach meetings with California politicians in Washington D.C. Meetings were scheduled with both California Senators and Members on Appropriations and House Science Committees, and focused on NASA, in order to leverage JPL sponsored events celebrating the 400th anniversary of Galileo’s discovery of Jupiter’s moons.

On July 14-15, 2010, Charles Kennel, Susan Hackwood, and Angela Phillips Diaz met with key California Congressional members and staff, including Senators Feinstein and Boxer; Representatives Garamendi, Farr, and Calvert; and staff to Representatives Lewis, Royal-Allard, Schiff, Bilbray, Honda, and Woolsey. In all, a total of 11 offices were contacted. The timing of the visits coincided with discussion of the NASA Authorization Bill (Commerce, Science, and Transportation).

In addition, CCST in partnership with the California Institute for Federal Policy Research (Mary Beth Sullivan) hosted a lunch briefing for Congressional staff interested in NASA and the Federal Labs. At the briefing, CCST Chair Charles Kennel presented an overview of NASA’s presence in the state and its impact, the importance of NASA contributions to California, and the relevance to California taxpayers, as well as the context of the FY2011 NASA budget. Introductory remarks were provided by Representatives Farr, Ehlers, and Garamendi.

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