CCST S&T Week 2019 – Science Translators Showcase (Photo Gallery)

February 19, 2019 | , ,  

CCST’s weeklong series of events celebrating ‘Science At Your Service’ included the 2019 California Science Translators Showcase, organized in partnership with Assemblymember Medina.

The California Council on Science and Technology (CCST), a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization established via the California State Legislature to inform state leaders, celebrated 2019 Science & Technology Week with a series of events at the State Capitol.

On February 6, CCST hosted its third California Science Translators Showcase, featuring graduate students and postdoctoral researchers from UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Merced, UC Riverside, UC San Diego, UC San Francisco, Stanford, and Caltech, who discussed their research with decision makers in an informal mixer setting. The CCST showcase was organized in partnership with California State Assemblymember Jose Medina (D-Riverside), Chair of the Assembly Committee on Higher Education.

Learn more about the 2019 CCST Science Translators here.

S&T Week 2019 began with CCST’s Leadership Awards reception (photo gallery) on Monday February 4th, honoring Assemblymember Bill Quirk with CCST’s “Science in Public Service” award for his distinguished career in science and public service as well as his dedication to mentoring CCST Science Fellows.

The week concluded with a CCST Expert Briefing on Emerging Technologies for Real-Time Response to Wildfires with expert panelists from UC Berkeley, UC San Diego, NASA Ames/CSU Monterey Bay, and the Moraga-Orinda Fire District. A video of the briefing is available on our Expert Briefings page.

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Assemblymember Jose Medina with the 2019 CCST Science Translators and CCST’s Brie Lindsey.

(Photos by Will Bucquoy)

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