Celebrating Science in Service to California Policy: CCST to Host Science & Technology Week in State Capitol, Starting Feb. 20th

February 15, 2018 | ,   | Contact: Ben Landis

STW-300The California Council on Science and Technology (CCST), a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization established via the California State Legislature to serve state leaders, warmly invites the Capitol community to celebrate CCST Science & Technology Week, February 20th through 23rd, 2018.

Reviving a tradition last celebrated in 1999 by the California State Assembly and in 2000 by the California State Senate, the 2018 CCST Science & Technology Week coincides with the 30th anniversary of Assembly Concurrent Resolution 162 (Farr, Garamendi) in 1988 – which called for the creation of the California Council on Science and Technology to “respond appropriately to the Governor, the Legislature, and other relevant entities on public policy issues significantly related to science and technology.”

“The continued prosperity of California’s economy, society, and environment is due in large part to our forward-looking state leaders, who understand the importance of considering science advice when making decisions for the future of Californians,” says Susan Hackwood, PhD, CCST Executive Director and Founding Dean of the UC Riverside Bourns College of Engineering. “As we once again celebrate Science & Technology Week, CCST is eager to hear from our partners in the Executive, the Legislature, and the wider Capitol community on how we can work together to make California’s policies stronger with science.”

“Whether you’ve worked with a CCST Science Fellow in the Legislature, or you’ve found a CCST One Pager or in-person meeting to be a valuable resource for information, we want to hear how CCST can be of help to your needs as California state leaders and staff,” says Amber Mace, PhD, CCST Deputy Director and former Assistant Secretary for Coastal Matters in the California Natural Resources Agency. “Science is at your service – and CCST is here to be your guide.”

The 2018 CCST S&T Week will be anchored by four opportunities open to the Capitol community. More details for each event and RSVP link can be found here.

California Student Translators Showcase
Organized in partnership with Assemblymember Jose Medina (D-Riverside)
Tuesday, February 20th, Capitol Basement, 2:00-4:00 p.m.

CCST has invited 15 talented graduate students and postdocs to the Capitol to practice a crucial skill: translating science for policymakers. Hailing from UC, CSU, Stanford, and Caltech campuses with expertise spanning earthquake safety, wildfire management, water supply and water quality, and public health, these early-career scientists will showcase their budding talent for explaining science in a conversational manner over this networking coffee break. Members, staff, Executive officials, and agency managers are especially invited to attend – and give encouragement to these science advisors-in-training.

CCST Expert Briefing: Makerspaces
Organized in partnership with the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Wednesday, February 21st, Capitol Room 127, 1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m.

Continuing our new Capitol briefing series, this latest “CCST Expert Briefing” will feature a panel of higher education leaders and practitioners to discuss the opportunities and challenges presented by makerspaces and the “Maker Movement” for classrooms in California. UC, CSU, and California Community Colleges will be represented on the panel.

CCST S&T Week Reception and Leadership Awards Ceremony
Presented by CCST Board of Directors, Sustaining Institutions, and Federal Laboratory Affiliates Wednesday, February 21st, Cafeteria 15L, 5:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.

RSVP for this special gathering announcing the inaugural recipients of our CCST Leadership Awards – presented to Legislative Members whose active consideration of science and technology advice in their policy leadership have made a difference for the Golden State. Then, stay to meet and share ideas with CCST’s broad network of science policy leaders and professionals, including California directors of NASA centers and U.S. Department of Energy National Laboratories, members of the CCST Council, and alumni of our CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellowship.

Federal Labs and Research Centers Benefiting California: Impact Report for State Leaders Presented by the CCST Federal Laboratory Affiliates
New Report Available to Request Prints or Download

Discoveries by California’s federal labs and research centers save lives, advance technology, and inspire possibilities. This new CCST report serves as a helpful guide for Executive and Legislative leaders and staff in Sacramento to navigate the tremendous resources spread across these world-famous campuses – including the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA Ames Research Center, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. As part of the CCST Federal Laboratory Affiliates network, these institutions stand ready to offer timely advice and expertise for California’s policymakers.


Download This Announcement (PDF)

Visit the S&T Week page

About the California Council on Science and Technology

The California Council on Science and Technology is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization established via the California State Legislature in 1988. CCST engages leading experts in science and technology to advise state policymakers – ensuring that California policy is strengthened and informed by scientific knowledge, research, and innovation.

Follow CCST on Facebook, on Twitter, and on LinkedIn.

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