WATCH: Navigating the CCST Fellowship Application & Interview Process

January 5, 2023 | , ,   | Contact: Renée Cashmere

A graphic with blue background, white and yellow text, and circle cropped headshots of the panelists

CCST S&T Policy Fellowship Alums to Discuss the Application and Interview Process

Learn about an opportunity to transform your PhD expertise into an impactful science policy career in California.

Download Fellowship Flyer | Poster

CCST employs a multi-step process to evaluate each candidate based on their potential success in the Fellowship. Watch this webinar to hear directly from CCST staff and Fellows Alumni on how to successfully navigate the application and interview process.

The application is open until Feb. 28, 2023. The class of 2024 begins their training November 1, 2023.


Watch an Overview Presentation of the Fellowship and Q&A (Oct. 2022):

Learn about the Day-to-Day life of being a Fellow in Sacramento (Dec. 2022):

About the CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellowship
The CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellows program places PhD-level scientists, engineers, and social scientists in the California State Legislature, State Agencies, and Offices of the Governor for a year of public policy, leadership training, and public service—training scientific thinkers to be policy-savvy, while helping equip California’s decision makers with science-savvy staff. Discover how our CCST S&T Policy Fellows make a difference in California’s policy arena and learn how to apply at

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