Federal Research in California

Scientist Profile: David Chassin, PhD/MASc
Staff Scientist GISMo Laboratory SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory PhD/MASc, Mechanical Engineering, University of Victoria BS, Building Sciences, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Dr. David Chassin leads GISMo R&D on modeling, simulation and analysis of power systems. He managed the development of the DOE’s GridLAB-D simulation system, which is widely used to study smart-grid and renewable energy technology […]
Scientist Profile: Meyya Meyyappan, PhD
Dr. Meyya Meyyappan is a founding member of the Interagency Working Group on Nanotechnology established by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. This working group was responsible for putting together the National Nanotechnology Initiative. For his contributions to the field, he was inducted into the Silicon Valley Engineering Council Hall of Fame in 2009.
Scientist Profile: Bob Hwang, PhD
Dr. Bob Hwang leads Sandia’s transportation energy division, which includes the world-renowned Combustion Research Facility, recognized for its collaborations with industry and academia. With an objective of creating a carbon-neutral vehicle fleet, the Transportation Energy Center also studies the co-development of biofuels and engine design, safe and reliable energy storage components, and systems to enable a hydrogen vehicle infrastructure.
Scientist Profile: Patricia Falcone, PhD
Dr. Patricia Falcone oversees the strategic development of LLNL’s capabilities and is responsible for the lab’s research collaborations with academia and the private sector. Dr. Falcone joined LLNL in 2015 after six years at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), serving as the presidentially appointed and U.S. Senate-confirmed Associate Director of OSTP for National Security and International Affairs.
Scientist Profile: Susan Hubbard, PhD
Associate Lab Director Earth & Environmental Sciences Area (EESA) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory PhD, Engineering, UC Berkeley MS, Geophysics, Virginia Tech BS, Geology, UC Santa Barbara Dr. Susan Hubbard leads the 500-staff EESA unit at Berkeley Lab in studies of climate science, terrestrial ecosystem, environmental and water science, and subsurface energy geoscience. With career experience […]
Scientist Profile: Sila Kiliccote
Ms. Sila Kiliccote founded and leads SLAC’s GISMo Laboratory, and is now leading big-data analytics applications for distribution grid planning. Prior to joining SLAC, Ms. Kiliccote worked as a demand response expert at Google. Kiliccote also spent over 10 years at Berkeley Lab, leading grid integration initiatives as a deputy of the Demand Response Research Center.
Recent Headline: “New Analysis of Lithium-Ion Batteries Shows How to Pack in More Energy”
Reporter Tracy Staedter mentions SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in this IEEE Spectrum article: https://spectrum.ieee.org/energywise/energy/renewables/lithium-battery-breakthrough-could-pack-more-energy-into-a-smaller-space     Alongside academic powerhouses such as the University of California campuses, Stanford, and Caltech, Californians can take pride in our unrivaled collection of federal laboratories and research centers. CCST helps facilitate links across the capabilities and talents of these labs and centers […]
Recent Headline: “SLAC Knows How the Universe Works. Now It’s Targeting Your Needs”
Senior Reporter Stephen Shankland mentions SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in this CNET article: https://www.cnet.com/news/particle-accelerator-tackles-cancer-cures-and-better-batteries/     Alongside academic powerhouses such as the University of California campuses, Stanford, and Caltech, Californians can take pride in our unrivaled collection of federal laboratories and research centers. CCST helps facilitate links across the capabilities and talents of these labs and centers […]
Recent Headline: “Lab Scientists Take Their Craft to Classrooms in Livermore”
Correspondent Beth Jensen mentions Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories-California in this East Bay Times article: https://www.eastbaytimes.com/2017/11/05/lab-scientists-take-their-craft-to-classrooms-in-livermore/     Alongside academic powerhouses such as the University of California campuses, Stanford, and Caltech, Californians can take pride in our unrivaled collection of federal laboratories and research centers. CCST helps facilitate links across the capabilities and talents […]
Recent Headline: “LLNL Computers To Help Design Anti-Cancer Drugs”
Jeff Garberson mentions Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in this Livermore Independent news article: http://www.independentnews.com/news/llnl-computers-to-help-design-anti-cancer-drugs/article_bea436da-bf5b-11e7-8256-938481451802.html     Alongside academic powerhouses such as the University of California campuses, Stanford, and Caltech, Californians can take pride in our unrivaled collection of federal laboratories and research centers. CCST helps facilitate links across the capabilities and talents of these labs and centers […]
Recent Headline: “Mountain View: City Council Debates Automated Transit Possibilities”
John Orr of the Bay Area News Group mentions the NASA Ames Research Center in this San Jose Mercury News column: https://www.mercurynews.com/2017/10/19/mountain-view-city-council-debates-automated-transit-possibilities/     Alongside academic powerhouses such as the University of California campuses, Stanford, and Caltech, Californians can take pride in our unrivaled collection of federal laboratories and research centers. CCST helps facilitate links across the […]
Recent Headline: “A.I. to Help Power Grids Resist Disruptions”
Science reporter Charles Q. Choi mentions SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in this IEEE Spectrum article: https://spectrum.ieee.org/energywise/energy/the-smarter-grid/ai-to-help-power-grids-resist-disruptions     Alongside academic powerhouses such as the University of California campuses, Stanford, and Caltech, Californians can take pride in our unrivaled collection of federal laboratories and research centers. CCST helps facilitate links across the capabilities and talents of these labs […]
Recent Headline: “Cassini Is Gone. Here Are the Next Space Missions to Watch Out For.”
Nicholas St. Fleur mentions the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in this New York Times column: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/15/science/cassini-nasa-missions.html     Alongside academic powerhouses such as the University of California campuses, Stanford, and Caltech, Californians can take pride in our unrivaled collection of federal laboratories and research centers. CCST helps facilitate links across the capabilities and talents of these labs […]
Recent Headline: “As NASA’s Cassini Mission Flames Out Over Saturn, Scientists Mark Bittersweet End Of Mission”
Deborah Netburn and Hailey Branson-Potts mention the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in this LA Times column: http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-cassini-ends-scene-20170915-story.html     Alongside academic powerhouses such as the University of California campuses, Stanford, and Caltech, Californians can take pride in our unrivaled collection of federal laboratories and research centers. CCST helps facilitate links across the capabilities and talents of these […]
Recent Headline: “Cancer’s Invasion Equation”
Contributor Siddhartha Mukherjee mentions Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in this New Yorker article: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/09/11/cancers-invasion-equation     Alongside academic powerhouses such as the University of California campuses, Stanford, and Caltech, Californians can take pride in our unrivaled collection of federal laboratories and research centers. CCST helps facilitate links across the capabilities and talents of these labs and centers […]
Recent Headline: “Four Radical Plans To Save Civilization From Climate Change”
Anna Vlasits mentions Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in this WIRED article: https://www.wired.com/story/four-radical-plans-to-save-civilization-from-climate-change/     Alongside academic powerhouses such as the University of California campuses, Stanford, and Caltech, Californians can take pride in our unrivaled collection of federal laboratories and research centers. CCST helps facilitate links across the capabilities and talents of these labs and centers through its […]
Recent Headline: “After Harvey, Are Epic Rains The New Normal?”
Laura Parker mentions Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in this National Geographic news article: https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/08/heavy-rain-harvey-houston/     Alongside academic powerhouses such as the University of California campuses, Stanford, and Caltech, Californians can take pride in our unrivaled collection of federal laboratories and research centers. CCST helps facilitate links across the capabilities and talents of these labs and centers […]
Recent Headline: “Why Human-Like Reasoning Is The Key To Trusted A.I.”
Forbes Technology Council member A.J. Abdallat mentions the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in this Forbes column: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2017/08/30/why-human-like-reasoning-is-the-key-to-trusted-ai/#221da1074edf     Alongside academic powerhouses such as the University of California campuses, Stanford, and Caltech, Californians can take pride in our unrivaled collection of federal laboratories and research centers. CCST helps facilitate links across the capabilities and talents of these […]
Recent Headline: “New Process To Help Desalinate Water Faster, Cheaper”
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is mentioned in this Economic Times news article: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/science/new-process-to-help-desalinate-water-faster-cheaper/articleshow/60292437.cms     Alongside academic powerhouses such as the University of California campuses, Stanford, and Caltech, Californians can take pride in our unrivaled collection of federal laboratories and research centers. CCST helps facilitate links across the capabilities and talents of these labs and centers through […]
Recent Headline: “Why Your Dishwasher Is Talking to Your Energy Company”
Reporter Justin Worland mentions the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in this TIME story: http://time.com/4913867/demand-response-utility-company/     Alongside academic powerhouses such as the University of California campuses, Stanford, and Caltech, Californians can take pride in our unrivaled collection of federal laboratories and research centers. CCST helps facilitate links across the capabilities and talents of these labs and centers through its […]
Recent Headline: “Defying Predictions, Wind Tunnels Find New Customers in Autos, Athletics — Even Fast Food”
Samantha Masunaga mentions the NASA Ames Research Center in this LA Times column: http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-wind-tunnel-20170728-story.html     Alongside academic powerhouses such as the University of California campuses, Stanford, and Caltech, Californians can take pride in our unrivaled collection of federal laboratories and research centers. CCST helps facilitate links across the capabilities and talents of these labs and centers […]