Advanced Well Stimulation Technologies in California (BLM)

Author(s): Cooley, Heather; Dobson, Patrick; Donnelly, Kristina; Feinstein, Laura C.; Fischer, Marc L.; Foxall, Bill; Heberger, Matthew G.; Houseworth, James E.; Jordan, Preston D.; Lindsey, Nathaniel J.; Millstein, Dev E.; Reagan, Matthew T.; Tinnacher, Ruth M.; Stringfellow, William T.; Varadharajan, Charuleka

Release Date: August 28, 2014 | Last Updated Date: July 8, 2016


At the request of the United States Bureau of Land Management (BLM), CCST conducted an independent scientific review of oil and gas well stimulation technologies in California. BLM sought an up-to-date scientific and technical assessment and selected CCST for this effort. The purpose of the assessment was to synthesize and assess the available scientific and engineering information associated with well stimulation techniques, including hydraulic fracturing, in California. The review relies on published information to summarize the history of well completion techniques, supplementing this information with interviews of relevant experts as needed. It includes current scientific and technical information on the underlying geology for oil and gas potential in California with respect to any changes in that potential made possible by advanced well stimulation techniques. The assessment also includes a review of those techniques and evidence of associated environmental hazards. The report does not make any policy recommendations.

CCST led the scientific review effort and issued the final report. “Our effort is to provide independent, scientific, peer-reviewed information that can inform policymakers,” said Susan Hackwood, Executive Director of CCST. A steering committee oversaw the effort; members included representatives with a range of technical expertise relative to advanced petroleum production and its impacts in California. The final report was peer reviewed and was released on August 28th, 2014.

Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and the Pacific Institute were contracted to provide support for this project and provided literature review and analysis.

Additional Downloads

Executive Summary


By chapter

Introductory & Chapter 1


Ch. 2: Advanced Well Stimulation Technologies


Ch. 3: Historic and Current Application of WST


Ch. 4: Prospective Application of WST


Ch. 5: Potential Direct Environmental Effects


Ch. 6: Steering Committee Summary


Appendices A-H


Webinar – January 2014


Webinar – September 2014
