CCST Project
innovate 2 innovation
COMPLETED: March 2011
Legislative Request
(May 17, 2010)
(Jan. 22, 2011)

Data Sources
- U.S. Commerce Department Announces Members of New Innovation Advisory Board
- Governor's Guide on State Research & Development Funds: NGA Center on Best Practices & Pew Center on the States
State Profile - California by Collaborative Economics - Science and Technology Index 2010: Enduring Lessons for the Intangible Economy
January 2011 - Issues In Science and Technology
Spring 2010 - Regional Innovation Initiative (page no longer available) - Innovation in America: Investing in Innovation (1.8MB)
National Governors Association/Pew Center on the States - Index of the Massachusetts Innovation Economy (3.0MB)
Massachusetts Technology Collaborative/John Adams Innovation Institute, 2009 - Innovative Solutions for California's Future Briefing Book (6.1MB)
Milken Institute State of the State Conference, October 2008 - Innovation Driven Economic Development Model: A Practical Guide for the Reginal Innovation Broker (1.9MB)
Collaborative Economics, September 2008 - Best-Performing Cities 2008: Where America's Jobs Are Created and Sustained (2.5MB)
GreenStreet Partners/Milken Institute, September 2008 - California's Position in Technology and Science: A Comparative Benchmarking Assessment (7.4MB)
Milken Institute, June 2008 - State Technology and Science Index: Enduring Lessons for the Intangible Economy (1.3MB)
Milken Institute, June 2008 - Overview of California State-Funded R&D, 2004-2007: Understanding the State's Role in Shaping R&D Spending California Council on Science and Technology, November 2008
- The Innovation Economy: Protecting the Talent Advantage (975KB)
Bay Area Economic Forum, February 2006 - Open Business Models: How to Thrive in the New Innovation Landscape.
Henry William Chesbrough, 2006 - California State Science and Technology Policy: Applications, Implications, Recommendations (7.0MB)
Joint Committee on Preparing California for the 21st Century, November 2004 - Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology.
Henry William Chesbrough, 2003 - Clusters of Innovation Initiative: San Diego
Council on Competitiveness, May 2001 - The Rise of the Network Society: The Information Age: Economy, Society, and Culture Volume I
Manuel Castells, 2000