Recap: CCST Science & Technology Week 2025

CCST’s 8th annual Science & Technology Week (February 3-7, 2025) brought together policy leaders, science and technology experts, CCST champions, and our incredible network of partner institutions to discuss some of the state’s biggest challenges and opportunities.

We partnered with the University of California, Office of the President (UCOP) Research & Innovation team for two panel discussions as part of UCOP’s California Climate Action Grantee Convening. The week began with a kickoff panel, Towards More Usable Science in Support of Data-Driven Decision Making, and ended with an Expert Briefing on Bridging the Gap Between Scientific Research and California Policy. In between, we honored the three recipients of the 2025 CCST Leadership Awards for Science in Public Service at our S&T Week Reception and Awards Ceremony and welcomed 13 student and postdoctoral researchers to learn the craft of science policy communication.

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Towards More Usable Science in Support of Data-Driven Decision Making

The University of California logo with blue highlight and transparent text.
In partnership with the UCOP Research and Innovation team.

In partnership with the UC Office of the President – Research and Innovation team, this panel explored how California’s science and policy leaders are bridging the gap towards more usable data science — exploring ways to make data, AI, and technology more impactful in decision-making and policy.

Pramod Khargonekar
Vice Chancellor for Research
UC Irvine

Wade Crowfoot
California Natural Resources Agency

Liane Randolph
California Air Resources Board

Ilkay Altintas
Chief Data Science Officer
San Diego Supercomputer Center, UCSD

Arianne Teherani
Co-Founder, UC Center for Climate, Health and Equity
UC San Francisco

Photo Gallery: Keynote Session 1

Photo Gallery: Wildfire Panel, Day 1

Reception & Leadership Awards Ceremony 

A graphic with the three photos of the Science & Technology Week Science in Public Service Award recipients in thirds and a lower third with CCST's logo and the award title.

We had an amazing turnout for our S&T Week Reception & Leadership Awards Ceremony, with roughly 150 attendees from the policy community and our extensive network of science and technology experts.

The evening opened with our 2025 CCST Leadership Awards for Science in Public Service, honoring this year’s recipients: Senator Ben Allen, Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas, and Government Operations Secretary Amy Tong.

Secretary Tong was honored for her career-long commitment to promoting policies that support and advance science technology in the state, especially in the AI space. Through all of her current work, as well as her previous work as Director of the California Department of Technology, she continues to promote science-based policies ranging from climate change and disaster resilience to AI and so many others.

Accepting her award, Secretary Tong said she was “humbled and honored to be recognized by CCST.” She emphasized how much she values CCST’s work to “bridge this conversation between the executive branch and the legislative branch, and of course with our academia partners, to continue to put science and technology at the forefront and how we deliver service to our residents.”

Presenting the award to Senator Allen, CCST Board Chair Peter Cowhey highlighted the Senator’s policy work on environmental, energy, and water issues, his role as Chair of the Budget Subcommittee #2, and his leadership role in the California Climate Resilience Bond.

Senator Allen praised the CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellows, saying, “The caliber of the fellows that come in year after year is nothing short of extraordinary.” He continued, “At a time when decision-making seems to be made by platitudes, at least in the best of circumstances, or by deliberate misinformation under the worst of circumstances, centering on data, centering on research, centering on science has to be a core part of our mission. I’m just so glad that we found a way to harness the energy of our young people in science…Thank you for providing this extraordinarily important service to our government.”

The final 2024 awardee, Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas, was honored not only for his championing of forward-thinking policies, including in environmental sustainability and public safety, but also for fostering an incredible environment for all of the CCST Science Fellows within the assembly to thrive.

Accepting in Speaker Rivas’ absence, Assembly Policy Consultant Keith Cialino conveyed the Speaker’s gratitude. He said, “Working with CCST in the assembly has been really rewarding and we are looking forward to continuing that relationship this year and into the future.”

After the awards ceremony, attendees mingled, forged new connections, and reunited with past colleagues. We also celebrated 16 years of CCST S&T Policy Fellows and more than 35 years of remarkable partnerships. These partnerships make it possible for us to deliver a variety of science services to policymakers in California, including the Fellows program, Expert Briefings, workshops, and in-depth, peer-reviewed reports on key issues facing policymakers.

Group photo in front of a CCST step-and-repeat.
Celebrating 16 years of CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellows.

Read more about the Awardees.

Photo Gallery: S&T Week Reception and Leadership Awards Ceremony



Defending and Advancing California’s Leadership in Climate Action in the New Era

The University of California logo with blue highlight and transparent text.
In partnership with the UCOP Research and Innovation team.

This keynote, again in partnership with the UC Office of the President – Research and Innovation team, featured California leaders discussing how the state can continue to advance climate action, exploring how researchers and cross-sector partnerships can drive progress and innovation in tackling our biggest challenges.

Julianne McCall
California Council on Science and Technology

Samuel Assefa
Governor’s Office of Land Use and Climate Innovation

Yana Garcia
California Environmental Protection Agency

Ben Allen
California State Senator

Steve Monfort
Executive Director
UC Natural Reserve System

Photo Gallery: Keynote Session 2

Photo Gallery: CCST Moderated Panels


CCST Science Translators Showcase

During this networking event, the chosen Translators (graduate students and postdoctoral researchers) had a chance to discuss their research with legislative staffers, agency managers, and senior policy leaders at the California State Capitol. The event was sponsored by the Office of Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis. The Translators represented universities across California, including UCs, CSUs, and CalTech.

This year’s thirteen translators learned and practiced their science communication skills during a set of training sessions led by CCST, in preparation for conveying the relevance of their research to policymakers. Read more about the origin and the impact of the Science Translators Showcase.

2025 CCST Science Translators pose for a group photo with CCST leadership and a representative from Lt Governor Eleni Kounalakis' office.

Meet the 2025 CCST Science Translators.


Photo Gallery: Science Translators Showcase


Expert Briefing: Bridging the Gap Between Scientific Research and California Policy

Our closing Expert Briefing explored how research, government, and philanthropy can collaborate to bridge the gap between science and policy in California. The panel highlighted successful partnerships, addressed barriers, and shared actionable solutions for advancing science-based policy.

Julianne McCall
California Council on Science and Technology

Krista Kamer
Executive Director

Tracy Richmond McKnight
Director, Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program
UC Office of the President

Alyson Sattler
Executive Director
WHH Foundation

Elisa Tong
Director, Tobacco Cessation Policy Research Center
UC Davis


About the California Council on Science and Technology
The California Council on Science and Technology is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization established via the California State Legislature in 1988. CCST responds to the Governor, the Legislature, and other State entities who request independent assessment of public policy issues affecting the State of California relating to science and technology. CCST engages leading experts in science and technology to advise state policymakers—ensuring that California policy is strengthened and informed by scientific knowledge, research, and innovation.

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