Introducing the 2025 CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellows
November 27, 2017 | CCST S&T Policy Fellows, Events
UC Riverside graduate student, postdoctoral, and faculty researchers will have a chance to learn about the CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellowship this December:
Biomedical Careers – Alternative careers in Biomedical Sciences – Scientific Policy and Government
Hosted by the UC Riverside Division of Biomedical Sciences
Friday, December 15, 2017
12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m.
School of Medicine Education Building, Room 1670
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2015 CCST Science Fellow Shannon Muir, PhD, will be on hand to speak about her State Capitol experience. Muir was placed in the California State Senate Health Committee for her fellowship year, having received her PhD in Biomedical Sciences from UC San Diego. She is currently a Strategic Research Opportunities Analyst in the Office of Research Affairs at UC San Diego.
Being a CCST Science Fellow means undertaking a year of public service and government leadership training inside the policymaking heart of the California State Legislature. Each year, a new cohort of 10 PhD scientists undergo training from CCST and are then placed in a State Assembly or State Senate office to work as legislative staff — learning first-hand how policy decisions are made in the State of California.
Applications for the 2019 Class of CCST Science Fellows open on December 1st, 2017. If you know of a doctoral student, postdoc, or faculty member who wants to take the leap into public policy training, then please tell them about our event and our application period!
The CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellowship trains scientific thinkers to be policy-savvy, while helping equip California’s lawmakers with science-savvy staff. Follow updates from the CCST Science Fellows on Facebook at and on Twitter @CCSTFellows. Explore the CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellowship here.
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