CCST S&T Policy Fellows

CCST Hosts Workshops, Fellowship Booth at AAAS Annual Meeting in Washington DC
Photo from above of an exhibitor hall at AAAS 2023.
Washington, DC—The California Council on Science and Technology is attending the 2023 AAAS Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, themed around “Science for Humanity.” Returning in person this year, CCST coordinated two workshops, a scientific session, and an exhibitor booth for the CCST S&T Policy Fellowship in partnership with other state science policy fellowship programs. CCST has […]
Deadline Extended: Seeking Applications for CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellowship in Sacramento, California
A photo of the 2022 Fellows with a blue banner below highlighting that applications are now open with CCST's logo and the California State Capitol.
CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellowship Program Places PhD Scientists into Policy Careers Apply to transform your PhD expertise into an impactful science policy career in California. START YOUR APPLICATION  |  Download Fellowship Flyer  |  Download Fellowship Poster Update 2/16: The application period had been extended by one month to March 31st. SACRAMENTO, Calif.—The California Council […]
The Many California Experiences
  In January of 2022, I took my very first work trip as a CCST S&T Policy Fellow at the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) to observe a wildfire-impacted disaster site. After a three-hour drive—weaving through winding roads toward the Sierra Nevada mountains—I stepped out of the car in my uniform (a […]
Introducing the 2023 Class of CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellows
A group photo of the fellows with a blue overlay on the side and text describing the Fellowship with CCST's logo
SACRAMENTO, CA—We are excited to introduce the 2023 Class of CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellows. Now celebrating its 14th year, the program places PhD level scientists, engineers, and social scientists in Legislative and Executive Branch offices, training them for careers in public policy while helping to equip California’s decision makers with science-savvy staff. APPLY NOW: We are currently […]
WATCH: Navigating the CCST Fellowship Application & Interview Process
A graphic with blue background, white and yellow text, and circle cropped headshots of the panelists
CCST S&T Policy Fellowship Alums to Discuss the Application and Interview Process Learn about an opportunity to transform your PhD expertise into an impactful science policy career in California. Download Fellowship Flyer | Poster CCST employs a multi-step process to evaluate each candidate based on their potential success in the Fellowship. Watch this webinar to hear […]
Plugging In: Finding My Space in California Energy and Utilities Policy
A photo of Natalie Seitzman, PhD, a 2022 CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellow with the title of her blog post and CCST logo on a blue background
Tick tock, tick tock. It’s been a year since I moved to Sacramento from Colorado, eager to transform my career, bask in the mild winter of California, and somehow contribute to state policy. I was uncertain and nervous. Whereas many of the other CCST S&T Policy Fellows are from California or California institutions, I couldn’t […]
WATCH: Life as a CCST Fellow: What’s It Like? | Application Q&A
A graphic with blue background, white and yellow text, and circle cropped headshots of the panelists
CCST S&T Policy Fellowship Alums to Discuss the Day-to-Day Life of a Fellow Learn about an opportunity to transform your PhD expertise into an impactful science policy career in California. Download Fellowship Flyer Moving to Sacramento. Adjusting from lab to office. Working in policy. There’s a lot of new experiences and opportunities as a CCST […]
Assessing Climate Risk – My Fellowship Year: Like An ‘Inverted Delta’
A photo of Kara Voss, PhD, a 2022 CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellow with the title of her blog post and CCST logo on a blue background
As a flowing river runs into a larger, standing body of water like a lake or the sea, it deposits sediment into a triangular shaped wetland known as a delta—most often with a narrow tip at the river opening into the broader end of the open water. Occasionally, this formation can happen in the reverse, […]
WATCH: Why Choose the CCST S&T Policy Fellowship?
A graphic with blue background, white and yellow text, and circle cropped headshots of the panelists
Why Choose the CCST S&T Policy Fellowship? Held Mon. Oct. 3, 2022 In this first of three informational webinars, hear directly from current and former CCST S&T Policy Fellows about the ins and outs of the CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellows program, the impact that the program has had on their careers, and the […]
From Biostatistics to Pesticide Policy: Q&A with Natalie Gasca
A photo of Natalie Gasca, PhD, a 2022 CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellow with the title of her blog post and CCST logo on a blue background
What did you study in grad school and why did you decide to go into policy? As part of my biostatistics PhD program at the University of Washington, I investigated ways to use nutritional information from the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis—designed to research predictors of cardiovascular disease—to identify heart-healthy diet patterns. I considered ways to […]
Building Bridges: From Bioengineering to Science Policy
A photo of Stephen Cutie, PhD, a 2022 CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellow with the title of his blog post and CCST logo on a blue background
Stephen Cutie, PhD is a 2022 CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellow placed with the Office of Senator Richard Pan. He earned his PhD in Bioengineering from UC San Francisco and UC Berkeley studying the hormonal switches that regulate heart regeneration across evolution and development. From Miami, Florida, Stephen earned his BS in Biology from […]
California Policymakers Signify Enduring Value of CCST to the State by Investing in Fellows
The 2022 CCST S&T Policy Fellows standing in front of the California State Capitol dressed in formal attire.
California Invests in CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellows Program, Placing PhD-level Scientists, Engineers, and Social Scientists in the Legislature, State Agencies, and Offices of the Governor. SACRAMENTO, Calif.—Approved by the Legislature and signed by Governor Newsom this week, the 2022 California State Budget allocates $10 million for the California Council on Science and Technology’s […]
The Keyword? Adaptability. Making the Career Transition from Science to Policy.
A photo of Montrai Spikes, PhD, is a 2022 CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellow with the title of his blog post and CCST logo on a blue background
  The last few months have introduced a lot of new things into my life. I moved from the Midwest, where I had lived most of my life, to California with my partner and our menagerie of animals. I began working nine to five instead of the sporadic hours of an academic. Most notably I […]
Making the Move (Literally): From Science to Science Policy in Sacramento
Title card of Hannah Frye's blog post with a blue background and photo of Hannah
  Hannah Frye, PhD, is a 2022 CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellow placed with the California State Senate Business, Professions, & Economic Development Committee. From Missouri, Hannah studied the role of genetics and sex on memory mechanisms underlying opioid use disorder risk. She earned her PhD in Neuroscience from Washington University in St. Louis […]
Alumni Encourage Future Science Policy Talents on Fellowship Celebration Day
Screen shot of photo tweet by CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellow alum Meron Tesfaye PhD. She is seen with short hair, an ample scarf, and smiling in front of a California State Senate framed commendation on a wall. It's hashtag CCST week & yesterday was at CCSTFellows Day! My experience as a CCST fellow at CAlegislature has changed the trajectory of my career. It's also hashtag Black History Month   & I'm beyond grateful for all the Black fellows that came before me! hashtag SciPol at Black In Sci Pol at BlackInSciComm
Our annual CCST Science & Technology Weeks (S&T Week) are a celebration of science-informed policymaking in the great state of California — how scientific expertise can play an important role as we guide the future of California’s economy, society, and environment. So naturally, any #CCSTweek would have to give a big shoutout to our CCST […]
Watch: Science Policy for a More Resilient California: CCST Sessions at the 2022 AAAS Annual Meeting
AAAS graphic with headline Empower with Evidence hashtag A A A S m t g. Illustration shows various scientific motifs encircled by the outline of a cell wall or virus casing with protein spikes.
SACRAMENTO, Calif.—From extreme heat to wildfires, California faces a variety of complex, interacting scenarios in adapting to climate change. The type of science policy advice and resources required to plan and act on these disaster resilience scenarios was the focus of CCST events during the 2022 Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement […]
Introducing the 2022 Class of CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellows
Headshots of the 2022 Fellows in a grid on a blue background
  SACRAMENTO, CA—We are excited to introduce the 2022 Class of CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellows. Now celebrating its 13th year, the program places PhD level scientists, engineers, and social scientists in Legislative and Executive Branch offices, training them for careers in public policy while helping to equip California’s decision makers with science-savvy staff. These sixteen PhD scientists […]
From Fellow to 40 Under 40: Alum Spotlight with Dr. Debra Cooper
Photo of Debra Cooper with the blog title in orange lettering and over a blue background
This fall, 2015 CCST S&T Policy Fellow Debra Cooper, PhD, was recognized as a 40 Under 40 honoree by the Sacramento Business Journal, a highly competitive achievement that recognizes outstanding young professionals. In the SacBiz profile, Debra reflects on her professional accomplishments, lessons learned, and her motivation to inspire Black girls, including her daughter. As […]
Applications for CCST’s Science & Technology Policy Fellowship in Sacramento, California
Update: The 2023 Application cycle is now closed. SACRAMENTO, Calif. | CONTACT: Puneet Bhullar The California Council on Science and Technology (CCST) is seeking PhD scientists and engineers for a year of public service and government leadership training in the California State Legislature and Executive Branch offices.  Applications are Due March 1st. CCST is recruiting and […]
Watch: CCST Science and Technology Policy Fellowship 2023 Application Webinar Series
A graphic with the title of the briefing in yellow on a blue background with headshots of the 3 panelists
  Fellows Application Webinar Series   SACRAMENTO, CA—Each year, the CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellows program recruits a cohort of fifteen PhD scientists and engineers for a year of public service and leadership training within the California State Legislature and Executive Branch. The application for the upcoming 2023 Fellowship class opens December 1st, 2021 and closes […]
Communicating Science to Policymakers: From the Lab Bench to the Legislature
A title graphic of Marika's blog post featuring the blog title and subtitle on a blue background with a photo of Marika in the foreground
Marika Nell is a 2021 CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellow placed with the Assembly Committee on Environmental Safety & Toxic Materials. Originally from Maryland, Marika earned a PhD in Civil & Environmental Engineering from Cornell University. In her research, she studied the water quality impacts of fracking operations by searching for known and unknown […]