R. Sean Randolph, President of the Bay Area Economic Forum, was the dinner speaker. The Bay Area Economic Forum, a CEO-level public-private partnership of business, government, university, labor and community leaders, works to foster a competitive economic environment in the San Francisco Bay region. Sponsored by the Bay Area Council and the Association of Bay Area Governments, the Economic Forum produces targeted analyses on key economic issues, and leads policy initiatives to address regional priorities in issues such as transportation, housing, energy, water, research and development, and international trade.
Dr. Randolph previously served as director of international trade for the State of California (1994-98), an international business consultant (1992-94), and international director general of the Pacific Basin Economic Council (1988-92), a 15-nation international business organization of U.S., Asian and Latin American corporations.
His professional career also includes extensive experience in the U.S. Government, including U.S. Congress and White House staff, U.S. State Department on the Policy Planning staff, special adviser for policy, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, and deputy/ambassador at large for Pacific Basin affairs. From 1985-88, he served as deputy assistant secretary of energy for international affairs.
A graduate of Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service, Dr. Randolph holds a JD from the Georgetown University Law Center, a Ph.D. from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, and studied at the London School of Economics. He writes and speaks frequently for U.S. and international audiences on global, national, state and regional economic and policy issues.