CCST Newsroom

California Not On Track to Meet Demand for Science and Math Teachers
The state is facing a serious shortage of fully prepared science and mathematics teachers, and current efforts to increase the number of trained teachers will not meet demand in the coming years, according to a new study by CCST and the Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning (CFTL). Nearly 40,000 teachers taught at […]
CCST Fellow Duane McRuer Dies at 81; Chairman of Systems Technology, Inc.
CCST Fellow Duane McRuer died of prostate cancer January 24, 2007 at his home in Manhattan Beach, California. He was 81. McRuer was Chairman of Systems Technology, Inc. (STI), from 1993 until his death, and was President and Technical Director, STI, 1957-1993. He has also been a Regent’s Lecturer at the University of CA Santa […]
Cal TAC Member Gives Teacher Advice in UCLA Magazine
A member of the California Teacher Advisory Council (Cal TAC) was recently given a prominent feature in the UCLA Magazine. Juliana Jones, a mathematics teacher at Montera Middle School in Oakland and member of Cal TAC since 2005, was invited to contribute a feature on how students, new teachers and working professionals in other fields with […]
CCST Director of Programs Named AAAS Fellow
Donna Gerardi Riordan, Director of Programs at the California Council on Science and Technology, has been awarded the distinction of Fellow by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). This year 449 members have been awarded this honor by AAAS because of their scientifically or socially distinguished efforts to advance science or its […]
CCST Urges Reconsideration of Federal Innovation Legislation
In 2006 several Congressional bills were proposed to improve the United States’ science and technology competitiveness, which ultimately converged in the bipartisan National Competitiveness Investment Act (S 3936). However, despite considerable bipartisan momentum, the bill was not acted upon before the end of the congressional session. CCST has sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy […]
Shaping the Future: California’s Response to “Rising Above the Gathering Storm”
The California Council on Science and Technology, at the Governor’s request, convened four task forces chaired by corporate leaders to respond to the major recommendations in the National Academies’ report Rising Above the Gathering Storm (October 2005). Those recommendations, presented in a context for California, are: Increase California’s talent pool by vastly improving K-12 science and mathematics […]
CCST Welcomes Ten New Council Members
In January 2007, CCST welcomed ten new Council members. The Council is an independent assembly of corporate CEOs, academicians, scientists and scholars of the highest distinction. The purpose of the Council is to provide independent and objective findings on public policy issues involving science and technology that affect the State of California. New members: Dr. […]
CCST Report Helps CSU Launch New Graduate Science Programs
The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation has given an $891,000 grant to enable the California State University to launch Professional Science Master’s (PSM) Degree programs on 12 of the university’s 23 campuses. It is the first statewide higher education system in the nation to do so. “Professional Science Master’s Degree programs supply the labor market with […]
CCST To Help Plan State S&T Strategy
At the Governor’s request, CCST has convened four task forces directed by industry leaders to help California respond to the National Academies report Rising Above the Gathering Storm. This October 2005 report contains a strong message that the nation’s science and math education and economic environment need serious attention in order to safeguard the future […]
“Gathering Storm” Holds Serious Message for California, Says Council Member
The message in the National Academies’ Rising Above the Gathering Storm report – that the nation’s science and technology capabilities are poised to falter in the coming years – has been sounded before in other venues. However, this report has succeeded in grabbing the attention not just of policymakers, but of industry leaders. “The problems […]
Edison International Addressing Workforce Challenges
California recognizes the importance of increasing its science and technology workforce, investing in programs to increase the number of students obtaining science and math degrees, and increasing the number of teachers to train them. However, these efforts are still in an early stage. California’s high-tech employers are already facing recruitment challenges and many companies, such […]
CCST Prepares to Take a New Look at Energy
At the May 23rd CCST meeting in Sacramento, the urgent need to examine options for California’s energy future in light of changing global, national and state economics, policies, and technologies was raised. This “big picture” view needs to include the realities of sustainability and climate change as well as the realistic ability to be able […]
State Creates Teacher Data System
Governor Schwarzenegger has signed legislation that will enable the state, for the first time, to keep accurate track of its teacher workforce across all current data systems. The new law is a major step forward in meeting recommendations made both by CCST and the Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning (the Center). SB […]
Cal TAC Member Gets Taste of Space
The California Teacher Advisory Council (Cal TAC) is a group of expert K-12 teachers providing a valuable connection between the teaching community and the educational experts and policymakers who are shaping California’s educational system. Cal TAC member Janet English provided this account of the Northrop Grumman Weightless Flights of Discovery, a program designed to inspire […]
Hispanic Community Responds To Rising Above the Gathering Storm
The National Academies report has galvanized states across the nation to develop strategies for addressing the shortcomings in the science and technology sector. However, the report has also resonated strongly with other groups, including the Hispanic community. The Hispanic community represents California’s most rapidly growing population segment, but has long been underrepresented in science and […]
CCST Board Member To Advise Stanford University on Federal Research Policy
CCST Board Member Arthur Bienenstock has stepped down from his post as vice provost and dean of research at Stanford University to assume the newly created position of special assistant to the president for federal research policy. The newly created position of special assistant will allow Bienenstock to further his work on science and national […]
Governor Signs National Laboratory Contract Bill
Senate Bill 1629, sponsored by Senator Jackie Speier along with Assemblymembers Sally Lieber and Betty Karnette, was signed by Governor Schwarzenegger. SB 1629, enacting the Federal Laboratory Contracting Act, modifies the existing state’s contracting procedures and policies to enable California to contract with Department of Energy and NASA federal funded laboratories, including Lawrence Livermore National […]
CCST News Council Member Max Weiss Dies, 83
Max Tibor Weiss, CCST Council member since 2001, died June 10 at age 83. He was Retired Vice President and General Manager of the Electronic Systems Division of the Northrop Grumman Corporation. Weiss received his M.S. in Electrical Engineering and a Ph.D. in Physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His honors and awards include […]
Governor Asks CCST To Develop S&T Strategy
CCST received a request from the Governor asking us to help California respond to the National Academies report, Rising Above the Gathering Storm. The report contains a strong message that the nation’s science and math education and economic environment need serious attention in order to safeguard the future prosperity of the nation. In response, CCST is preparing a […]