Osvaldo D. Soto is both a practicing high school teacher and a Senior Program Associate for MfA SD’s Master Teaching Fellowship (MTF) Program. Along with Dr. Guershon Harel, Dr. Soto is responsible for overseeing the professional development of the teaching fellows on-site. Dr. Soto is currently a mathematics teacher at Patrick Henry High School where his classroom serves as a setting for fellows to see Dr. Harel’s DNR-based instruction in practice. He recently completed his Ph.D. in Mathematics and Science Education with Dr. Harel from a joint program between the University of California, San Diego and San Diego State University. He also earned a M.A. degree in Mathematics in 2004 from San Diego State and a B.A. degree in 1994 and teaching credential in 1997 from Point Loma Nazarene University.
Dr. Soto’s research interests include teacher change in the context of proof-centered professional development. His specific interest lies in investigating the connection between teachers’ mathematical content knowledge and its influence on their teaching practice. While actively teaching in a high school setting, Dr. Soto simultaneously conducts research and presents findings in mathematics education, including the development of curricular materials and sharing pedagogical methods for interns, new MfA SD fellows and Master Teaching Fellows. He has also served on the San Diego Unified School District’s Math Task Force and textbook adoption committee.
Soto served on CalTAC from 2013 to 2015.