California Teacher Advisory Council (CalTAC)
Master teachers providing input on stem education
CCST’s involvement in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) education began early in its history and has continued via a significant variety of projects and programs over the three decades since. One of its most wide-ranging and long-lasting programs was the California Teacher Advisory Council (CalTAC), a carefully selected group of outstanding K-14 STEM classroom teachers from throughout California. From 2005-2017, thanks in large part to the generous support of the S.D. Bechtel Foundation, this body provided a voice for STEM educators to discuss trends and policies facing science, technology, engineering, and math education in California, and interface with the State policymaking community.
CalTAC members provided valuable input on STEM related projects conducted by CCST, including the Critical Path Analysis of California's Science and Mathematics Teacher Preparation System (2007), The Preparation of Elementary School Teachers to Teach Science in California (2010), and CCST’s series of reports on Digitally Enhanced Education (2011-2012). In addition, CalTAC hosted numerous symposia, bringing together stakeholders in K-14 education for discussions and analyses of issues studied by CCST and others. CalTAC also repeatedly collaborated with the National Teacher Advisory Council (NTAC), a similar body formed by the National Academies, and hosted events bringing together influential leaders in government, industry, and higher education organized around key issues in K-12 science education.
CalTAC members were selected from among the best educational practitioners California had to offer. These exceptional master teachers, several of whom received recognition at the national as well as state level, were valued and valuable participants in CCST’s STEM education and workforce preparation related activities. CCST continues to benefit from the expertise and input of members who served in CalTAC, and we believe that the collaborative legacy of this program has left a lasting impact on discussions of STEM education in California today.
For information on members who served on CalTAC, summaries of CalTAC symposia, and CCST projects which benefited from CalTAC’s participation, please click on the links below.
Caltac members
CalTAC reports
The following reports were either produced in cooperation with CalTAC, as background for CalTAC meetings/symposia, or as followup documents after CalTAC events.
Digitally Enhanced Education: A Resource Guide for Learners and Leaders
In 2010, CCST was asked to “assess the state’s innovation ‘ecosystem’ and offer a specific list of recommendations for legislators to enhance the state’s ability to foster and benefit from innovation.”
Read the ReportThe Efficacy of Digitally Enhanced Education: Summary of Symposium Discussions
This report summarizes discussions from the symposium which took place at the CDE on September 13, 2013.
Read the ReportAssessing the Effects of Digitally Enhanced Education: Summary of Symposium Discussions
What do we know about the efficacy of digitally enhanced education? What works, and why?
Read the ReportDigitally Enhanced Education in California: Creating a Vision for Integrating Digital Media into California’s Teacher Preparation Programs
This document summarizes a discussion of technology standards in current teacher preparation, and innovative projects incorporating digital media into teacher preparation curricula.
Read the ReportDigitally Enhanced Education in California: Educational Technology and Digital Media Use in California’s Teacher Preparation Programs – A Status Report
This paper provides updated information on the rapidly evolving state of digital education in California and the nation as a whole.
Read the ReportDigitally Enhanced Education in California: Summary of CalTAC Workshop on Using Digital Media
This document reviews the importance of digital education both from TechNet and CSLNet.
Read the ReportDigitally Enhanced Education in California Volume 2: Education Codes and Administrative Codes Governing Regulations
This report identifies and documents the major statutory and regulatory requirements governing California’s use and applications of digital education for teaching and learning in K-12 schools.
Read the ReportDigitally Enhanced Education in California Volume 1: Digital Education Programs
This report examines digital education programs in California and related policy discussions and assessments released during 2011-12.
Read the ReportDigitally Enhanced Education in California Briefing Paper
This briefing document has been developed for CalTAC in support of its proposed initiative entitled “The Digitally Designed Class Room Without Borders.”
Read the ReportWorking Toward an Assessment System with Value: Informing and Strengthening STEM Teaching and Learning
This is a summary of a symposium convened on October 21, 2010 by the California Teacher Advisory Council (CalTAC)
Read the Report